I do not consider myself a very tech-savvy person, but I am fortunate enough to work in a job that does everything online. So, I have gotten much better in this regard. Most of these extensions I already had set up on my browser, although I did add the word count tool because copy/pasting into a separate document for each blog post was getting tedious. What is new to me, though, is the application of these tools to blogging. I have never blogged before, so having the chance to play around in this kind of space is fun and interesting. I am pretty strictly a Chrome girl, although I do have Safari on my computer as well, because we often check our work content on multiple browsers to make sure strange errors don't occur. I am also a bookmark fiend, so organizing them into folders is going to help me immensely!
A lit-up computer keyboard
Source: Pixabay
What I am least familiar with is image resizing. I often find myself in situations where I need to resize photos, but have no idea how. So, I'm looking forward to getting some experience with that, as I think it will be very useful to me in and outside of school.
This course is unlike any I've taken before, even online. Most online courses don't feel as though they are made to be online. They usually consist of reading a textbook and then taking assessments without any human interaction or communication, even from the instructor. I'm looking forward to the engagement this course offers, not only with my instructor and classmates, but with the technological aspects that are important to know and understand.
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