Courtney Macom - An Introduction

Hello, friends. Welcome to my first-ever blog

My name is Courtney Macom, and I am a senior English Lit major originally from Visalia, California. I'm a fan of early 2000s rom-coms, street tacos, and music that can be sung to. I have a 14 year-old cat that I've had since I was a little girl, and I have a fiancé who is much newer in my life. 

I like witty people, and my goal in life is to be able to say I'm well-read (whatever that means). 

My snoozing Kitty
Source: personal photo

I currently work as an editor for an online publishing company, and I love it! I eventually hope to move into trade publishing and work on novels and long form pieces. I love to read (which comes with the territory as a lit major), but I am still guilty of buying more books when there are plenty on my shelves still unread. My favorite book is Catcher in the Rye because it was the first book I ever liked enough to read in one sitting. I am excited to take this class because I haven't learned about mythology since elementary school, and I don't remember much.

I love to travel! I have been to nine countries: The Netherlands, Belgium, France, England, Wales, Ireland, the Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, and Sweden. My favorite was Costa Rica, but it is a close race with Ireland. "Green" places make my heart happy. My next destinations, COVID-willing, are Jamaica and Greece! To quote Mamma Mia 2, because I'm a huge ABBA and Meryl nerd, "Life is short and the world is wide. I wanna make some memories!" 

Me at the ABBA museum in Stockholm
Source: personal photo

Miscellaneous fun facts:

I prefer television over movies, because I get bored about halfway through them. 

I went to Sweden to see the Northern Lights and the ABBA museum.

I drive a Prius and feel like I'm saving the world because of it.

I love snakes and lizards, but I'm terrified of bugs.

I am at my best in really cold weather.

I love Broadway musicals.

Thanks for checking out my blog. I hope we have some fun here!


  1. Hi Courtney, my name is Addison! I am a big movie fan and I love 90's and early 2000's Romantic Comedies too. Your cat is adorable by the way. I have not traveled out of the United States so I would be excited to hear more about your travels.I am particularly interested in The Netherlands and Sweden. I also love me some ABBA. I also relate to not liking bugs. Blood, gore, snakes, lizards, spiders and all of that do not bother me but small bugs make me feel anxious and gross.

  2. Hey Courtney! I think it's so awesome that you are working as an editor while also juggling college classes. I think your passion to be "well-read" is great, I wish I had that same drive. I love to travel too! Out of the places you have been too, we only have Costa Rice in common. Isn't is great? I definitely am jealous that you have been to Ireland and the Netherlands, I would love to go there some day. Best of luck this semester!

  3. Hi Courtney!
    First of all your cat is so cute! I don't have any cats myself because my dad is allergic but they are very cute. I am also from California so its cool to see another person in this class is as well. Thats super awesome that you already have a job with a publishing company, I'm sure that will make your goals so much more achievable. I also love to read so if you have any good book recommendations let me know!

  4. Hi Courtney! I'm also for California, the Covina area specifically. Looks like you're from NorCal. Do you miss it at all? Also, please share what your favorite romcoms are. I do love 'The Proposal' and 'Sweet Home Alabama' from the 2000s romcom lineup. And that line of buying more books than you have unread ones on the shelves? Completely relatable. I too am a book addict. It's a problem. I'm running out of shelf space.

  5. Hi Courtney! I am so jealous of your traveling!!! Sweden is very high up on my list and I've done a couple of reports on it over the years. I also prefer television over movies but mainly because I feel like a movie is such a huge time commitment whereas TV I can just turn off when I feel like it. With all of your writing experience I'm excited to come back and read your retellings and stories. I'm betting they're going to be super interesting. I also have too many books and a bad habit of getting more when I have a to-read pile. It's nice to meet you!

  6. It is so nice to have an English major in class, Courtney! I'm of the persuasion that literature owes far more to folklore and mythology than it wants to admit (with originality being highly overrated, ha ha)... so I hope you will have fun exploring the myths and folktales in this class as well as writing some stories of your own. Which could of course including adorable snoozing kitties! And that is SO COOL that you are already working in publishing. This summer, I published some books using the Pressbook platform (Pressbooks - link), and I was so impressed at how easy it was to use... and I was thinking we might publish a class anthology of microfiction this semester if people are interested.
    And YAY for all the travel. Jamaica is right up at the top of my list too! I'm working on a book of Anansi stories right now (with Pressbooks again, yay), which has been an absolute blast... the only way it could have been more fun would be to have written the book IN Jamaica. Maybe someday! Maybe someday SOON! We can hope anyway!

  7. Hi Courtney! It was super interesting to read about your life and career plans. I went to Sweden with my parents last summer, and we loved the ABBA museum!! Mamma Mia is one of my favorite movies and shows, and seeing all the costumes and some of the set pieces was so cool. Additionally, I also loved Broadway music and reading.

  8. Hello Courtney! I love the picture of the cat, it made me a little less stressed out, so thank you for that. I am very jealous about how much you have been able to travel. I have only been to one other country, that being Canada so it's really not even that exciting. I love that you have a passion and that you are living it out. I hope to read your work over the semester, I have a feeling that it will be really good! Have a great rest of your semester.

  9. Hi Courtney! It is so nice to meet you! I love music that can be sung to as well. I hate listening to a song that you can't jam out to. Do you jam out to Broadway Musicals? If so, I wonder if you are into Hamilton. Your cat is super cute!!! I have two cats too! That is so cool that you have visited so many different countries! I hope to travel more after COVID-19.

  10. Hi Courtney! I love the picture of your cat! One of my best friends just got a kitten, and she's the cutest thing ever. It reminds me of my cat back home (a feral my parents tamed and took in, so she's only been in our lives for two years, but I still love her so much!). I also prefer TV shows to movies! I feel like I also have so much more control over my time when I watch TV shows. I'm only committing to 20-30 minutes, versus I have to set aside over an hour if I want to watch an entire movie. I love to travel too, and I really hope that you can travel again soon!

  11. Hi courtney!
    It sounds like we might be twins!! I'd die fo a street taco and i bet theyre amazing in california. Ive never heard of your city, is it in northern cali or southern? i went to la once last year but thats the only place ive been, i'd love to see san fran one day! also, my car is a volvo and i love her so mich that i tried to learn swedish this summer. i only did one lesson so that was disappointing. im dying to visit!

  12. Hi, Courtney! I'm sure this class will be very interesting and useful for you as a writer and lit major. I hope it is at least. I'm also a big fan of Broadway musical. Is Mamma Mia your favorite? I genuinely don't think I could pick mine. It's so cool that you've been able to travel so much. I've never been able to leave the US, but I plan on making that happen ASAP. I hope you find success in your field after graduation!

  13. Hi Courtney :)
    That's so cool you're in the publishing industry! I wish you all the best luck with that, and I hope you get your dream position one day. What kind of pieces do you look at? It's also really cool how much you've traveled. I hope you're able to go to Jamaica and Greece despite Covid and keep going to green places! And congratulations on the engagement!

  14. Hey Courtney! It's super cool that you work in publishing! I'm a senior too! Are you ready to get out of here and into the working world? Do you think that you'd want to go back and live in California? I think Oklahoma is nice, but I want to see what it is like living somewhere that's more densely populated.

  15. Hi Courtney!
    I bet it's very cool to work for a publishing industry! I wish you the best there. I also find cool that you have been in 9 countries already, i am a huge sucker for travels. Travel fill my heart and brain with joy and very nice memories. I hope you still have more countries on your bucket list. It was nice meeting you virtually.

  16. Hi Courtney,

    Wow! What a great introduction post. These posts are my personal favorite to read because I love getting to know my classmates better. That is so cool that you are from California! I love California. I am from Colorado so I understand how it is to go out of state to college. It is also so cool that you have traveled to 9 different countries. I love to travel as well. Great job and I hope you have a great rest of your semester!

  17. Hi Courtney!
    First of all I love your kitty! I have a cat as well, but I have only had him for a little over two years. I always wonder what makes people who grew up fairly far away from Oklahoma choose OU. I am envious of your past travels and hope that I get to go to a few of the countries you mentioned at some point! I really want to go to Costa Rica because I love sloths and they have conservations there that I would love to visit! I hope your semester went well and that you get to do some more traveling soon!


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